Although it has been a good while since I found myself surprised by much, either because of my age or my experience —in other words an old man and a friar— I do find my attention drawn to the pearls that one finds daily in the decisions, acts, sayings, doings and fancies of this Bergoglio with which God has seen fit to punish us, undoubtedly as strong medicine to make our conversion possible. Through your patience you will save your souls, said Our Lord, thinking, no doubt, of the Catholics of 2013 and after (I believe that).
While it is true that much of the lay and pagan world is going a little daffy with the person and figure of Francisco, it is no less true that the popeidolatrist world is dumbstruck by his antics. It is easy enough to see that the progs —the friars and nuns in and out of habit, the episcocawards, ecologictoids, gayperverted, lesbiancompromized, catholicized protestants and desacralized Catholics— and other libs are beside themselves with glee, with this Pontiff that takes them all in, loves them, agrees with them, encourages them to stay the course and that understands them as a Good Shepard that might enjoy seeing his sheep fall into the abyss. Come, come here little ones, I know that that is an abyss but don’t worry, come to me, I will relieve you from your heavy burdens and yokes. It is equally true that it is getting to be more and more common to find sheep that have had it up to here with so much demolition, with purely human messages, with so much unsupernaturalness and so much calculated and measured perversion.
As I tell my novices (to whom I have to patiently explain each one of my papal neologisms), every cloud has a silver lining. Although greatly reduced in number, I believe God is allowing , through Bergoglio, that many sheep open their nervous eyes and realize that the shepherd that deals with the wolf pack and enjoys their company is suspect, and that they begin to turn those eyes towards heaven in search of true liberation.
It is somewhat amusing that with everything that is happening in Europe and the rest of the world in general, with the satanic impudence of the world’s powerful and with the serious problems with persecution and killing of Christians at the hands of Islam (real physical deaths) and at the hand of the reigning freemasonry (spiritual deaths due to reigning sin), Francisco applies himself to playing Ludo, Snakes & Ladders and poker with Jews, Moslems, protestants and communist politicos. Heaven forbid anyone makes waves. It is plain as day, no one dares get a word in for fear of setting off the preachifying. There has to be synodality in destruction, how else destroy those who refuse to be synodal? They used to say that whoever moves will not come out in the picture, now anyone who dares to move even a little will find himself, his post, his salary and the gall of it all pixelated right out of it. So, we are at the mercy of Bergoglio, Never the less, at the end of the day Bergoglio is at the mercy of God, and sooner or later we will reach the end of this vale of tears. Our Lord always said that it was not advisable to remove discord by crook. The Supreme Judge will take care of it.
This week’s fancy is to put forth Mary Magdalene an Apostola. I believe it says Apostle, or Apostola, of the Apostles. Come again? As is common these days, they stuck Saint Thomas Aquinas in the middle of it with careless quotes —»updated» in the current style. We are now turning Mary Magdalen into a feminist of the first century without whom the luckless Apostles could not have gotten anywhere. Certainly they must have made her a lector or an extraordinary minister in Antioch or in some little Chapple in the Ponto.
The reason for all this is that Francisco follows to the letter the script of the New World Order. Why should there be only male Apostles? If the UN gets wind that we are not applying the parity law we will never hear the end of it. So, for now we have twelve Apostles and one Apostola, but we must keep looking until we get a better list, so we can have matching gender sets. Perhaps we could get Salome in there, or Saint Peters mother-in-law, or the bleeder, or maybe Veronica or Saint Martha, or even Herod’s niece, the one who had a gift for the Galilean tango.
No matter that recently the Swiss tunnel was inaugurated with an abominable and sad satanic spectacle in front of European leaders. Some witches’ Sabbath, no! Needless to say, you couldn’t pay me enough to get in that tunnel. And it does not matter that corruption worldwide is at its highest, that sin is exulted or that sex has become the god of our times, you won’t hear Bergoglio speak against any of that. He is for solidarity in the cities, for apostolic feminism, for climate change, with the Calvinists, in Ramadan and commemorating Luther as he deserves. Oh yes! And for a Preface to the Proper of Mary Magdalene, Palestinian feminist.
Brother Gerundio
[Translation by Enrique Treviño. Original article.]