I am afraid of the times of recreation that we, the friars, have on Wednesday evenings. Although –and to be honest- I love them. It is true that I get tired of explaining things to my novices (who are of all trends), but I also recognize that I do enjoy...
Quincuagesima Sunday
Lk. 18, 31-43
“The Mystery of the Cross”
The Apostles were perplexed at what Jesus told them was going to happen in Jerusalem. The mystery of the Cross has always been a stumbling block and considered folly by Jews and Gentiles. Things have not changed in our days. We run...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits,...
“It is licit to be wrathful when one knows what kind of traitors, thieves, and murderers the popes, their cardinals, and legates are. It would be pleasant to God that many kings of England dedicate themselves to putting an end to them.”
“We punish thieves with the sword. Why should...
Lk 8: 4-15
"Parable of the Sower"
We all know the parable of the sower after having heard it so many times. A sower sewed good seed in different places… producing more or less fruit, or even none.
After having explained this parable with the same sense and meaning for sixty years,...
When Jesus Christ describes the characteristics of the Good Shepherd He says that the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him, because...
We don’t understand Msgn. Steckling’s «pastoral reasons» for priest substitutions
Cartas de los lectores -
Pastoral reasons that are not very pastoral
The priest of the parish of Espíritu Santo, Área 4, was substituted by order of the bishop of the Diocese of Ciudad del Este, Msgn. Guillermo Steckling, on January 3, 2016. The involvement of Bishop Juan Bautista Gavilán, of the Diocese of Coronel...
Septuagesima Sunday
Mt 20: 1-6
In this parable about the workers sent to the vineyard, we see a householder who goes out at different times of day to hire workers for his vineyard. He agrees with those he finds at the first hour to pay them one denarius, as for those...
5. The flock needs a shepherd
Jesus Christ Himself used this metaphor referring to the Church, reflecting what happens in the natural realm: the flock goes nowhere if it is not led by a shepherd.
If the Church is the Great Flock of Jesus Christ, He is, in turn, the Great...
We received this letter addressed to the Bishop of Ciudad del Este and we share it here with everyone.
Monsignor Guillermo Steckling, we come to you as caring and worried children, saddened by the situation through which our beloved diocese is living. There have been certain changes which, far from...