Sermon: The Transfiguration of the Lord

II Sunday of Lent
Mt. 17, 1-9

On Mt. Tabor, the disciples saw the glory of the humanity of Jesus. They did not see the glory of his divinity because it remains, for now, unperceivable for man. We are in need of a special light, the lumen gloriae, which God will grant us in Heaven.

The humanity of Christ possesses enormous importance for us. We tend to speak to Christ as God, but not as a man. Christ is god, but also Man, and we are prone to forgetting this. The humanity of Christ is fundamental for us to understand the mystery of our Redemption.

We cannot say, as some do, that Christ was «immune» to temptations because he was God. Such a statement makes our redemption null and void. The temptations that Christ went through were much more serious than what we have to face. In order for Christ to suffer like us, it was necessary for him to take a human nature, like ours, the same as ours in everything but sin. Jesus became Man in order to die for us; he was unable to die in his divinity. If Christ were not to have died, we would remain in our sin. If the Word were not to have become man, our death would be a condemnation for us; however, because he did die for us, our death has become glorious. Death is the door that opens the House of the Father to us.

All love in this world must be founded on God, because God is love and the source of all love. Any love not founded on God, is not true love.

How little we think of the love that Jesus has for us! Christ has two wills: one divine, because he is God, and one human, because he is man. These two wills both belong to the one Person, which is divine.

If the Word were not to have become man, then it would be impossible for us to love God as we do. How would we ever fall in love with Christ? Being in love is what makes man happy, and would be impossible if Christ would not have become man. Man can only love what he can perceive…

Padre Alfonso Gálvez
Padre Alfonso Gálvez
Nació en Totana-Murcia (España). Se ordenó de sacerdote en Murcia en 1956, simultaneando sus estudios con los de Derecho en la Universidad de Murcia, consiguiendo la Licenciatura ese mismo año. Entre otros destinos estuvo en Cuenca (Ecuador), Barquisimeto (Venezuela) y Murcia. Fundador de la Sociedad de Jesucristo Sacerdote, aprobada en 1980, que cuenta con miembros trabajando en España, Ecuador y Estados Unidos. En 1992 fundó el colegio Shoreless Lake School para la formación de los miembros de la propia Sociedad. Desde 1982 residió en El Pedregal (Mazarrón-Murcia). Falleció en Murcia el 6 de Julio de 2022. A lo largo de su vida alternó las labores pastorales con un importante trabajo redaccional. La Fiesta del Hombre y la Fiesta de Dios (1983), Comentarios al Cantar de los Cantares (dos volúmenes: 1994 y 2000), El Amigo Inoportuno (1995), La Oración (2002), Meditaciones de Atardecer (2005), Esperando a Don Quijote (2007), Homilías (2008), Siete Cartas a Siete Obispos (2009), El Invierno Eclesial (2011), El Misterio de la Oración (2014), Sermones para un Mundo en Ocaso (2016), Cantos del Final del Camino (2016), Mística y Poesía (2018). Todos ellos se pueden adquirir en, en donde también se puede encontrar un buen número de charlas espirituales.

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