Commemorating Protestantism? Francis, Not in my name

 “It is licit to be wrathful when one knows what kind of traitors, thieves, and murderers the popes, their cardinals, and legates are. It would be pleasant to God that many kings of England dedicate themselves to putting an end to them.”

“We punish thieves with the sword. Why should we not seize the pope, the cardinals, and the whole gang of the Roman Sodom and wash our hands in their blood?”

“All these will fall out when their sacrilege and abominable Mass gets reduced to dust.”

(Martin Luther)

Yesterday we were again disturbed with news that Pope Francis will go now to “participate in a joint ceremony between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the [protestant] Reformation, programmed to be held in Lund, Sweden, October 31, 2016”.

Leaving aside the coincidence with the date of Halloween, Satan’s day par excellence, I wonder what the Pope has to commemorate about the heresy and apostasy that has torn apart the Faith of thousands of souls that were sent to Hell as a result. A Reform that forced the Church itself to establish a counter-reformation in return, and in particular, a glorious Council like Trent; for decades they wanted to bury this council in oblivion and with this event it will be given an official death certificate, if there are still any traces of it left.

Pope Francis, do you know that there were hundreds of catholic martyrs who gave their lives to defend the Truth against the Reform that you want to commemorate?

The Carthusian martyrs of London

The dozens? of Carthusians martyred in London, or Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, or Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More who were both beheaded by his friends of the Reform for the sole reason of defending the catholic faith , what would they say to you on October the 31st? Or even worse, have you even thought of … the feeling of the converts from Protestantism when they find out that you are going to commemorate the same thing they had the courage to repudiate? what do you think cardinal Newman, Benson, Chesterton would say to you on the 31st of October,  and many others who accepted the call of the Spirit –the real one, and not ‘its surprises’ – and to leave the schism and heresy in exchange of a Church that you should have represented?
Stop for a moment and think about it carefully.

You are going to have the dubious honour of joining those who were convinced on the same issues. Did you know that…?

«It is no shock that great persecutors of the Church have celebrated his memory. Thus: “Hitler ordered that October 31 be made a national holiday in Germany, commemorating the day in 1517 that the rebellious Augustinian friar fixed his famous 95 theses against pontifical supremacy and doctrines on the doors of the church of the castle of Wittenberg.” [1]

In spite of all the official atheism of the communist regime, Dr Erich Honnecker, president of the Council of State and the Council of Defence, and the top man in the German Democratic Republic, agreed to head the committee that organized last year’s garish commemorations of Luther right in Red Germany. » [2] [3]

Pope Francis, is this how you want to reform the Church? Is this the mercy that you have prepared for the faithful? Are you going to lead them into confusion? What should we think of commemorating those who said that the Holy Mass was an abomination and a sacrilege?

I find it hard to believe that you know nothing at all of this; that would be a very worrying sign of ‘ignorance’ given your position and it is not hard to figure out that you are going to attend to those commemorations because you really have something to celebrate. But where we see schism and heresy you see the seed of your ecclesiastical Spring and where we see heroic resistance, you see the obstinate, the idolaters, the bigots, and the liars.

This silence cries out to Heaven and to the blood of the martyrs. Why is no one saying anything? Where are the cardinals and bishops? Where are the priests and the faithful? How can … anyone try to disguise this situation as all peaches and cream to anesthetise the faithful?

Pope Francis, I know that you won’t have any interest at all in anything that I have to say, but I would like to ask of you, that please, if you wish to commemorate anything… , do so, -you will be held accountable at a later date- but for Heaven’s sake: NOT IN MY NAME.

May God have mercy on us all.

Miguel Ángel Yañez

Translation by Miguel Tenreiro. Original Post.

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Note: For a more in-depth study about the sinister character of Luther, I would recommend to everyone the series of articles, “Luther, the cursed monk” based on the works of Father Alfredo Sáenz.

1 Cf.Funck-Brentano, p. 272

2 Cf. ‘German Comments’, Osnabrück, west Germany, April 1983

3 Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Luther, Absolutely Not!

Miguel Ángel Yáñez
Miguel Ángel Yáñez
Empresario, casado y padre de familia católico.

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